Distribution as a Service: The Last-Mile

Edward Palma Gil •  February 27, 2024

We had asked five hundred yufin merchants in Q4 23 from tier 2 and tier 3 cities of the Philippines about their insurance status.

Around half of them had no insurance at all for themselves or their families and four out of five had mentioned affordability of premiums as the biggest challenge.

But the overwhelming majority had also shown confidence that their local communities trusted them enough to purchase protection for health and business from them.

Over the last six months, we have seeded one month insurance to thousands of yufin merchants to let them try the end-to-end sign-up and activation process from within the yufin merchant mobile application, understand how the products work and avail the insurance benefits in their own cities.

From next month, these ‘warmed up’ yufin merchants will be able to distribute simple one-month and three-months health and business sachet insurance to their customers and in their local communities and earn more everyday.

Because inclusion is not just financial but also health.

yufin is bridging the supply from tier 1 digital products to the growing latent demand in tier 2 and tier 3 cities yearning to consume but lacking a trusted human touch point to guide them, and simpler methods to pay.