Shop from Lots for Less online

Order grocery stocks for your personal or business needs at wholesale price!

A screenshot of the yufin app's 'Order' page, showing the selected Lots for Less branch, two tabs ("Products" and "Categories"), and a product catalog with photos and names.

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No minimum order required—just order for pick-up or delivery and you’ll automatically earn a raffle entry. More orders, more chances of winning!
Lucky Draw Promo
A screenshot of the yufin app's 'Order' page, showing the various categories with corresponding product photos and names below each category.

Online Grocery Convenience

Save time and effort from shopping in-store. Order grocery items in just a few taps on the yufin app and have them delivered to your doorstep.

Wholesale Price

Get stocks at lower prices.
A screenshot of the yufin app's 'Checkout' page, showing the order summary with product photos, names, quantities, and prices, an "Edit Items" button, the total amount, and a "Proceed" button.
A screenshot of the yufin app's 'Order Confirmation' page, showing the delivery address, delivery options, payment options, delivery fee, total amount, and a "Place Order" button.

Free Delivery

Kompra all you can and enjoy free delivery for orders 10k above.

Save Time for What Matters More

Manage your time wisely and invest more time with your family and negosyo.
A Filipino family smiling at the camera.

How to Order Stocks

Save time and skip the long queues by ordering your stocks and groceries online through yufin! Enjoy great savings by purchasing in bulk. It’s convenient, fast, and easy. Try it now and experience the difference!